Friday, September 23, 2011

Bracing for embarassment

I don't know about you, but I get the sense that the Cards are ripe for a loss to the worst team in the NFL.  They should beat the woeful Seahawks by 3 or 4 TD's, but when do the Cards actually do what they should do?  I'm guessing that Tarvaris Jackson will look like a real NFL QB only to be abysmal for the rest of the year.  Of course, he'll look good again against the Cards late in the season.  If Lynch has a big game all us Cards fans should jump off the proverbial bridge.  The Hawks O-line is lousy.  Lynch currently has 44 rushing yards on 19 carries in 2 games.  In case you suck at math, that's pretty bad.

My friend who's a huge fan of Seattle will be pissed if the Hawks win.  He just ordered his Andrew Luck Seahawks jersey.

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